Friday, November 21, 2008

1. Box Jellyfish

he top prize for �The World Most Venomous Animal,� would go to the Box Jellyfish. It has caused at least 5,567 recorded deaths since 1954. Their venom is among the most deadly in the world. It�s toxins attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. And the worst part of it is that jelly box venom is so overpoweringly painful, that human victims go in shock, drown or die of heart failure before even reaching shore. Survivors experience pain weeks after the contact with box jellies.

You have virtually no chance to survive the venomous sting, unless treated immediately. After a sting, vinegar should be applied for a minimum of 30 seconds. Vinegar has acetic acid, which disables the box jelly�s nematocysts that have not yet discharged into the bloodstream (though it will not alleviate the pain). Wearing ***** hose while swimming is also a good prevention measure since it can prevent jellies from being able to harm your legs.

Jelly box can be found in the waters around Asia and Australia.

2. King Cobra

The King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the world�s longest venomous snake - growing up to 5.6 m (18.5 ft) in length. Ophiophagus, literally means �snake-eater� as it eats other snakes. One single bite of this deadly snake can easily kill a human. This snake is even capable of killing a full-grown Asian Elephant within 3 hours if the larger animal is bitten in a vulnerable area such as the trunk.

It�s venom is not as toxic as other venomous snakes, but King Cobra is capable of injecting 5 times more venom than black mamba and can result in mortality up to 5 times faster than that of the black mamba. It is quite widespread, ranging across South and South-east Asia, living in dense highland forests.

3. Marbled Cone Snail

This little beautiful looking Marbled Cone snail can be as deadly as any other animal on this list. One drop of its venom is so powerful that it can kill more than 20 humans. If you ever happen to be in warm salt water environment (where these snails are often found) and see it, don�t even think of picking it up. Of course, the true purpose of its venom is to catch its prey.

Symptoms of a cone snail sting can start immediately or can be delayed in onset for days. It results in intense pain, swelling, numbness and tingling. Severe cases involve muscle paralysis, vision changes and breathing failure. There is no antivenom. However, only about 30 human deaths have been recorded from cone snail envenomation. .

4. Blue-Ringed Octopus

The Blue-Ringed Octopus is very small, only the size of a golf ball, but its venom is so powerful that can kill a human. Actually it carries enough poison to kill 26 adult humans within minutes, and there is no antidote. They are currently recognized as one of the world�s most venomous animals.

Its painless bite may seem harmless, but the deadly neurotoxins begin working immediately resulting in muscular weakness, numbness, followed by a cessation and breathing and ultimately death..

They can be found in tide pools in the Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Australia.

5. Death Stalker Scorpion

Contrarily to the popular belief most of the scorpions are relatively harmless to humans as stings produce only local effects (pain, numbness or swelling). However, the Death Starker Scorpion is highly dangerous species because its venom is a powerful cocktail of neurotoxins which causes an intense and unbearable pain, then fever, followed by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death. Fortunately, while a sting from this scorpion is extremely painful, it would be unlikely to kill a healthy, adult human. Young children, the old, or infirm (with a heart condition) are at the biggest risk.

Death stalker scorpions are spread in North Africa and Middle East.

6.. Stonefish

aybe Stonefish would never win a beauty contest, but it would definitely win the top prize for being �The World Most Venomous Fish�. Its venom causes such a severe pain that the victims of its sting want the affected limb to be amputated. It is described as the worst pain known to man. It is accompanied with possible shock, paralysis, and tissue death. If not given medical attention within a couple of hours It can be fatal to humans.

Stonefish stores its toxins in gruesome-looking spines that are designed to hurt would-be predators.

Stonefish mostly live above the tropic of Capricorn, often found in the shallow tropical marine waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, ranging from the Red Sea to the Queensland Great Barrier Reef..

7. The Brazilian wandering spider

The Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) or banana spider appears in the Guinness Book of World Records 2007 for the most venomous spider and is the spider responsible for most human deaths.

This spider is believed to have the most potent neurotoxic venom of any living spider. Only 0..006mg (0.00000021oz) is sufficient to kill a mouse. They are also so dangerous because of their wandering nature. They often hide during daytime in highly populated areas inside houses, clothes, boots, and cars.

Its venomous bite causes not only intense pain, the venom of the spider can also cause priapism - uncomfortable *****ions lasting for many hours that lead to impotence.

8. Inland Taipan

The prize for �The World�s Most Venomous Snake� goes to the Inland Taipan of Australia.. Just a single bite from this snake contains enough venom to kill 100 human adults or an army of 250,000 mice. Its venom is at least 200 - 400 times more toxic than a common cobra. The Inland Taiwan�s extremely neurotoxic venom can kill an adult human in as little as 45 minutes. Fortunately this snake is very shy and there have been no documented human fatalities (all known bites were treated with antivenin).

9. Poison Dart Frog

If you ever happen to be running through the rain forests somewhere in Central or South America, do not ever pick up beautiful and colorful frogs - it can be the Poison Dart Frog. This frog is probably the most poisonous animal on earth.The 2 inch long (5cm) golden poison dart frog has enough venom to kill 10 adult humans or 20,000 mice. Only 2 micrograms of this lethal toxin (the amount that fits on the head of a pin) is capable of killing a human or other large mammal. They are called �dart frogs� because indigenous Amerindians� use of their toxic secretions to poison the tips of their blow-darts. Poison dart frogs keep their poison in their skins and will sicken or kill anybody who touches or eats it.

10. Puffer Fish

Puffer Fish are the second most poisonous vertebrate on earth (the first one is golden dart Frog). The meat of some species is a delicacy in both Japan (as fugu) and Korea (as bok-uh) but the problem is that the skin and certain organs of many puffer fish are very poisonous to humans.

This puffy fish produce rapid and violent death..Puffer�s poisoning causes deadening of the tongue and lips, dizziness, vomiting, rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, and muscle paralysis. Victims die from suffocation as diaphragm muscles are paralyzed.. Most of the victims die after four to 24 hours. There is no known antidote, Most deaths from fugu happen when untrained people catch and prepare the fish.

Statistics show that there were 20 to 44 incidents of fugu poisoning per year between 1996 and 2006 in all of Japan and up to six incidents per year led to death. Since Fugu�s poison can cause near instantaneous death, only licensed chefs are allowed to prepare it.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to Stay Awake at Work

This is a featured article. Click here for more information.

Whether you partied all night, stayed up with a newborn, or lost sleep while finishing up a project, now you're at work and you're having a difficult time staying awake. You promise yourself that you'll get more sleep, if you can just make it through the day without being discovered by your boss with your eyes closed. Here's how.

[edit] Steps

  1. Use your sense of smell. A strong scent, good or bad, can make you more alert very quickly. Holistic healthcare providers often recommend essential oils of the following plants to stimulate the nervous system and reduce fatigue (open the bottle and take a big whiff when you're feeling drowsy):[1]

    • rosemary
    • eucalyptus blue gum
    • peppermint (a study showed that smelling peppermint can lower fatigue by 15%, increase alertness by 30% and decrease frustration by 25%[2])
    • scots pine oil
    Of course, not all of us have essential oils stored in our file cabinets, but using hand lotions or burning candles with these same scents could help. Herbs like rosemary and peppermint can often be found fresh or dried at a grocery store; for a little pick-me-up, take a pinch and roll it between your fingertips and smell it. Alternatively, if there's any chili powder around, take a (careful) whiff of that.
  2. Use acupressure. Massaging any of the following points will improve circulation and ease fatigue:[3]

    • top of your head (lightly tap with your fingertip)
    • top of the back of your neck
    • back of your hands (between thumb and index finger)
    • just below the knees
    • earlobes[4]
  3. Take a power nap. If you have the time, sleeping for just 15-20 minutes can increase your alertness by leaps and bounds if you have a cup of coffee (or any other form of caffeine) right before you fall asleep.
  4. Expose yourself to bright light, preferably natural daylight. Your body's internal clock, its circadian rhythms, are regulated by your exposure to sufficient light. Even if you're in an environment where there's artificial light, brighter is better. If you can step outside (even on a cloudy day) or look out the window for a full minute, you'll be more alert. Wherever you work, see if you can replace the light fixture or add a lamp that will brighten your workspace.
  5. Keep yourself uncomfortable.

    • Stay on your feet as much as possible. If you have to sit down, get the most uncomfortable chair you can find. Make sure the back is upright, forcing you to sit up very straight. Don't allow your head to rest on anything--your hands, the desk, the wall.
    • Stay cold. If it's a little cold, take off your sweater or jacket so you stay on the chilly side. Open a window or put on a small fan, pointed at your face.
  6. Exercise at your computer. Just because you're sitting down doesn't mean you can't use your muscles.
  7. Avoid a full stomach. Munch on snacks all day, rather than having a big meal. The key is to not get a spike of sugar intake (followed by the inevitable crash). The same goes for caffeine. Break your consumption down into small doses.

    • apple - the sweetness and tartness in the flavor, along with the "crunch" will perk you up in a healthy way
    • sunflower seeds still in the husk (put a small handful in your cheek and crack them open one at a time, using only your teeth and tongue; this will require just enough active thought and tongue movement to prevent you from dozing off, and the salt of the sunflower seeds is invigorating and stimulating; spit out the sunflower husks into a paper cup as you go, as quietly as possible so as to not disturb others around you)
    • raisins
  8. Listen to music that's energizing to you; if possible, dance or sing along, even if you just bob your head or hum. Music that's irritating or jarring to you can also work. Just make sure to use headphones so you don't disturb your co-workers.
  9. Every thirty minutes, do one of the following:

    • physical activity for 2-3 minutes (jumping jacks, push-ups, jogging in place)
    • splash cold water on your face
    • drink an ice cold glass of water (the coldness picks you up, and guarantees you getting up every half hour or so to go to the bathroom; you won't fall asleep on a full bladder)
    • brush your teeth

[edit] Video

[edit] Tips

  1. Don't forget that a little caffeine can help a lot. Making a cup of tea or coffee will get you up from your desk and provide some caffeine to perk you up.
  • Realize that you may not be as tired as you think you are. Often times you'll find that throughout the day, you are fantasizing about going to sleep as soon as you get home. Does this actually happen? For many of us, when we're off work and enjoying the rest of the day we are always wide awake even without sleep. Notice this psychological contribution that your mind is making.

[edit] Warnings

  • Limit caffeine intake to 300 mg or less a day (about 4-8 cups of tea) to avoid counterproductive side effects.[5]
  • Many of the things that you do to stay awake also interfere with concentrating. What you'll really need, ultimately, is good sleep in order to perform optimally.
  • Take a nap before driving home to prevent falling asleep at the wheel.
  • Some people may be allergic to essential oils and the smells they produce. Be considerate to your coworkers and make sure they are ok with you having smells emanating from your cubicle/office.

Browser Speed Tests: The Compiled, Up-to-Date Results

Back when Firefox 3's final release candidate dropped, we ran some tests to compare its page-loading, memory use, and technical timing to Internet Explorer 7, Opera, and Safari for Windows. Then Google Chrome arrived, so we pitted it against the betas for Firefox 3.1 and Internet Explorer 8, and shared the results. The tests were by and large the same, but many commenters wisely asked to see all the results, betas or no betas. Well, today we've patched together all our data, thrown in a fresh test of the Opera 9.6 beta, and we're sharing all the graphy goodness. Read on to see a full comparison of the major browsers you can load on Windows.

The tests

You can read up on our testing methods in their entirety at the original testing feature. I've come to realize, however, that between all three rounds of testing involved, the "8-page load" test may be the most vulnerable to variables—some of the pages included are quite dynamic, so if, say, Gizmodo puts up a large number of videos or huge pictures, it could affect the total loading time. Other than that, though, the page-loading tests are run by a human watching a timer, the JavaScript from Sean Patrick Kane's web test, the CSS from a downloadable form, and memory use from checking Windows Vista's Task Manager.

Test 1: Page Loading—Winner: Opera (9.5)!

No surprise that Opera 9.6's beta performed just as well as the official release, on start-ups both both cold (right after boot-up) and warm (having launched at least once). I'm heartened to see comparable results between the first batch of browsers I tested and their newer betas.

The next speed test, loading eight pages from a bookmark folder, left me scratching my head. Why did the newer betas take so much longer to load a similar set of pages? As stated above, my best guess is the dynamic nature of at least one page in the group, but Opera was tested separately from the other betas, and didn't gain much in speed.

Test 2: JavaScript & CSS—Winner: Safari! (by a nose)

It's hard to beat Safari's performance in both Cascading Style Sheets and the JavaScript code that fronts so many webapps. It has to be noted, however, that most browsers, other than Internet Explorer, don't out-run one another by a huge stretch in JavaScript; Chrome and Safari, though, pull ahead on CSS.

Test 3: Memory Use—Winner: Firefox!

It's reassuring that Mozilla puts so much effort into memory usage in Firefox 3 releases—seeing as how most readers of this site are more than open to extension suggestions.

So that's all the testing data we have on the latest web browsers here at Lifehacker Labs. Got another set of test results you put faith in? Surprised at any of our outcomes? Tell us about it in the comments.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Easy ways to be an optimist

  • Facial expressions can be contagious -- give and get more smiles
  • Study: If your face smiles, muscles tell your brain it's not so bad
  • Keep failure outside yourself but internalize succes
How you explain both success and failure can affect your outlook on life.

How you explain both success and failure can affect your outlook on life.

1. Play interpersonal ping-pong

If you serve up a smile to people, they usually bounce it back. Hit them with a snarl and watch them scowl instead.

Research shows that facial expressions and the moods that accompany them are contagious, probably because they evolved as a means of nonverbal communication between people.

You can use the infectious effects of a grin to jump-start an optimistic outlook in yourself by sending others what you want them to lob back at you. A kind word to the man behind the deli counter can get your day bouncing in the right direction.

2. Short-circuit pessimism

There's another reason for putting on a happy face: It influences your brain in a positive way.

In one study, subjects who were asked to hold a pen in their mouth (causing them to inadvertently make the facial muscle movements characteristic of a smile) rated cartoons to be funnier than did other subjects, even though they were unaware that it was the smile that was boosting their reaction.

There's an interesting biological reason for this effect: When you feel down, your brain tells your face you're sad, and your facial muscles respond by putting on a depressed expression -- and convey back to the brain that, yes, you're feeling blue.

Consciously changing the facial muscles so they don't correspond to what you're feeling is a way of sending a different message: "Hey, it's not so bad down here after all." The brain will respond by beginning to change your mood accordingly. Six steps to a regret-free life

3. Explain success and failure like an optimist

Research shows that it's not what happens that determines your mood but how you explain what happens that counts.

If an optimist encounters a computer program she can't figure out, she's likely to say, "Either the manual is unclear, or this program is hard, or maybe I'm having an off day." The optimist keeps the failure outside herself ("the manual"), specific ("this program"), and temporary ("an off day"), while the pessimist would make it internal, global, and permanent.

When success occurs, optimists say, "Of course dinner turned out; I'm a good cook," while pessimists say, "Boy, was I lucky today," literally snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. If you start to speak to yourself in a more positive way when you succeed and fail, you'll gradually become more optimistic.

4. Stack the deck in your favor

It's easy to be envious: Compare yourself to those with thinner thighs and fatter bank accounts, and you'll always come up wanting -- and pessimistic. But the corollary is also true: No matter how bad things get, there's always someone who's worse off.

In one simple study, subjects were randomly divided into two subgroups. One group was to finish the sentence "I wish I were a ___." The other was asked to complete the sentence "I'm glad I'm not a ___." When individuals rated their sense of satisfaction with their lives before and after this task, those who completed the "I'm glad I'm not a ___" sentence were significantly more satisfied than before.

5. Learn to shift your focus.

Pessimists can't stop depressing facts or negative thoughts from poking into their consciousness, but they can choose not to dwell on them.

If you look through a camera lens, you'll find that when one part of the picture is in focus, the other areas blur a bit. (This is a distortion, sure, but sometimes we need to sustain the idea of being in a protective bubble to feel optimistic.) This active self-direction of your own moment-to-moment perspective allows you to create a new life story, one in which you take charge of your emotions and actions.

Since research shows that those who feel they have a better sense of control tend to be the most optimistic, why not take charge of where your psychological lens is focused?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Seduction by Sign

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
When it comes to courtship, your Aries wants you to be bold and aggressive. Don't ask permission for a kiss – just plant a breathtaking one as soon as the moment seizes you. The more forceful your approach, the better. Rams are also susceptible to compliments. These folks want to hear that they're the sexiest person in the room. If you've just met an Aries, feel free to contradict them. Spirited debates act like aphrodisiacs on this sign.

If you're an Aries, your seduction style is swift, sure, and sweet. You like making the first move, and your direct approach usually yields fabulous results. You know the importance of the first kiss, and you've got this technique down pat.

Head-for-Bed Line: "If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Slow and steady wins the race with Taurus. These folks want to savor the courtship phase of a relationship. Be sure to show up on the first date with a bouquet of flowers or some other beautiful token of your appreciation. Bulls love presents. A subtle splash of cologne will work like a love magnet on Taurus, as this sign is extremely responsive to sensual stimuli. If you've got an earthy sense of humor, don't hide it. Nothing gets Taurus in the mood like a spicy joke.

If you're a Taurus, you like to seduce people with soft words, encouraging caresses and generous gestures. Your knack for gift-giving is unparalleled. Having a velvet voice doesn't hurt your chances, either.

Head-for-Bed Line: (Pointing to Bull's tush) "Excuse me, is that seat taken?"

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The fastest way to Gemini's bedroom is through the brain. Ask this sign for a reading recommendation – Geminis love to be consulted about intellectual matters. If you've got specialized knowledge of a particular subject, be sure to bring it up. People born under the sign of the Twins are wildly attracted to experts – the more obscure your subject, the better. If Gemini mentions their latest hobby, be sure to ask for a crash course. Nothing gets this sign in the mood like showing off their know-how.

If you're a Gemini, you are a master flirt. You love the challenge of winning someone over with a clever remark. One of your favorite moves is to brush a bit of imaginary fluff from the object of your desire's shoulder. It's a great excuse to make physical contact!

Head-for-Bed Line: "Are you going to kiss me or will I have to lie to my diary?"

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
These Moon Children are notoriously soft-hearted. If you'd like to make your way into this sign's bedroom, show off your sensitive side. Express an interest in charities, especially ones involving children. Cancers secretly love being babied, so it's a great idea to fix this sign a home-cooked meal. Keep the lights low and the music soft... Cancer is very responsive to romantic atmospheres. If you've got your sights set on a female Crab, ask permission before you kiss her. If you're dating a guy, make the first move and then apologize for being so bold.

If you're a Cancer, your seduction style is soft and nurturing. Kissing away someone's tears is often a prelude to lovemaking. If you want to make someone your love slave, just deliver a chocolate cake to his or her door. Your victim will fall deeper in lust with each bite.

Head-for-Bed Line: "Are we related? Do you want to be?"

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
If you want to seduce a Leo, focus on this sign like a laser. Compliment the way they dress, eat and breathe. Treat him or her to the best of everything, whether it's the center table at the fanciest restaurant in town or the choicest spot on your picnic blanket. When the lights are turned low, run your fingers through the Lion's mane. He or she will purr with delight. Murmur words of praise into his or her ear during foreplay. Your lovemaking will build to a beautiful crescendo.

If you're a Lion, you've got a naturally seductive personality. It's nearly impossible for people to resist your charms, especially when you lavish somebody with the royal treatment. You'll give the object of your desire the best of everything until you hit your target.

Head-for-Bed Line: "Is it hot in here or is it just you?"

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Cleanliness is definitely a virtue when seducing Virgo. Make sure that your sheets are freshly laundered before taking a tumble with this sign. It's also a good idea to be impeccably groomed yourself. Nothing turns a Virgin on like the smell of French-milled soap. In fact, you may want to take a bath together as a prelude to lovemaking. If you're having trouble even getting a date with Virgo, ask him or her to help organize your desk, proofread a letter or find your keys. This is a great way to break the ice with this service-oriented sign.

If you're a Virgo, your seduction style is tasteful and understated. Anticipating a person's needs yields impressive results. You're the first one to help someone off with their coat, relieve them of heavy packages or bring a refreshing drink. Your conversational skills aren't shabby, either.

Head-for-Bed Line: "You're on my list of things to do tonight."

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
When it comes to seducing sophisticated Libra, it's best to summon the spirit of Cary Grant or Audrey Hepburn. This sign needs to be romanced in high style... think champagne and evening dress versus beer and baseball caps. Librans love music, so taking this sign to a concert would be a terrific prelude to lovemaking. It's a wise idea to perfect your kissing technique before making the first move on Libra. This sign wants a lover with finesse.

As a Libra, seduction is second-nature. You melt hearts with your dazzling smile and dancing eyes. You're also an excellent listener... which can be extremely seductive. If you ever want to take someone home, just asks what inspires them and then listen with rapt attention.

Head-for-Bed Line: "Did you invite all these people? I thought it was going to be just the two of us."

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
It's something of a challenge to seduce secretive Scorpio, since it's hard to gauge this sign's reactions. Don't be fazed if your moves are met with an inscrutable smile... that's just Scorpio's own form of seduction. A good first move is to take this sign's hand in a darkened movie theater and trace delicate patterns on the inside of his or her palm. Make love wordlessly and urgently, letting your body do all the communicating.

If you're a Scorpio, you're a master seducer. You love undressing people with your eyes. Most people respond favorably to your intense focus. Occasionally someone will take offense, but that only makes the challenge more exciting. One of your favorite seduction techniques is getting people to confess their secret desires.

Head-for-Bed Line: "I'm an organ donor. Need anything?"

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarians are easily seduced through humor. Crack a few jokes, make a few pratfalls, and leave some funny voicemails if you'd like to get acquainted with the Archer's bedroom. The prospect of making love outdoors always excites the Archer. Invite Sagittarius on a camping trip and be sure to bring a double sleeping bag. Last but not least, people born under this sign are ruled by the thighs and hips. Playful Sagittarius will become deadly serious when you zero in on these areas.

If you're a Sagittarian, you've got a playful seduction technique. You express interest in someone by tugging their hair, mimicking their speech and elbowing their ribs. It's easy to seduce worldly types with your knowledge of different people and culture. Your storytelling skills are extremely enticing!

Head-for-Bed Line: "If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable."

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Dignified Capricorn can be quite intimidating on the sexual front, but rest assured that this sexy sign is worth seducing. A slow, steady approach works best with Goats. Limit your first encounter to a lingering kiss. Then the next time you see each other, caress Cappy's back, neck and shoulders, applying firm, insistent pressure. Make a strategic retreat when Capricorn begs you to finish what you've started. Deep down inside, this sign knows that the best things in life are worth waiting for.

If you're a Capricorn, you seduce others with your self-confidence. The assured way in which you order wine, discuss politics and reference movies nearly always yields results. Quite often, people are scared to say "no" to you, just because you're so masterful!

Head-for-Bed Line: "Your eyes are the same color as my Corvette."

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Quirky Aquarius can be a tough nut to crack when it comes to sex. If you'd like to seduce this sign, try an unconventional approach. Claim that you're doing research for a sex clinic and need their help with an experiment. Declare that, while you're not interested in pursuing a physical relationship with Aquarius, you're willing to make the sacrifice in the name of friendship. The more offbeat your manner, the more attracted Aquarius will be. All Water-bearers have a rebellious streak. Dare this lover to kiss you.

If you're an Aquarius, you seduce others by playing the aloof rebel. The chillier your behavior, the easier it is for you to attract romance. Irreverent observations also help to lure folks into your web of intrigue. Onlookers find your die-hard individualism very seductive indeed.

Head-for-Bed Line: "Excuse me, I seem to have misplaced my Nobel Prize. Have you seen it around anywhere?"

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
If you'd like to seduce a Pisces, transport him or her to another world. Invite your favorite Fish to look through your telescope or check out your aquarium. Make your move as soon as Pisces becomes absorbed in the action. A quick kiss on the back of the neck will lead to bigger and better things. Pisceans have many erogenous areas including especially sensitive feet. A friendly foot rub can fan the flames of desire.

If you're a Pisces, you seduce people with your uncanny ability to intuit their feelings. People feel accepted and appreciated in your presence and usually welcome the prospect of falling in your bed. Your gift for words is also extremely seductive... you know just what to say and just when to say it.

Head-for-Bed Line: "Help the homeless. Take me back to your place."

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fun with satellite tracking

It seems I’ve hit a gold mine. This website ( lets me track satellites orbiting the Earth in real-time. It also lets you know how many satellites are hovering over you right now.

It’s got tons of satellites to track. For example, if you want to see who, the old Indian spy satellite, TES is snooping on right now, you can track it here. Or probably, you might want to check where the recently launched CARTOSAT 2A is hanging out.

You can track up to 5 satellites at a time.

Have fun!